If your heart is hurting, in any way, for any reason, read this book. Grief, mental health, loneliness, sadness, emptiness, unhappiness with career or life choices (or both), addiction, recovery, and everything in-between. Families, friends, and loved ones that know this pain, know this: I share in this pain with you, I fight this fight with you.
For those in recovery and those that continue to battle hardships, the world can be a very unforgiving place. I see it differently, and after reading this book, I hope others will as well. As I see it, nobody’s path to success is perfectly linear, not one single person. We all have bad days.
Unfortunately, though, mental wellness is held to a different standard. When an individual that is active in their struggle has a bad day, they are judged for it, rather than forgiven for it. When I do my program work, I let people know that it’s okay to have a bad day. They happen, to all of us. So, let’s accept the bad days as part of the process.
“Bad days are going to happen. Our goal is to not have two bad days in a row. Accept the bad day, forgive yourself for it, and get right back to fighting the good fight.”
Together, I’m hopeful that we can make conversations centered on mental health, grief, addiction, and life hardships socially acceptable. These hardships are far-reaching and they know no color of skin, they know no political party, they know no religion, they know no country or nation, they know no profession, and they know no economic status. Mental health, grief, addiction, and life hardships know all of us, they have touched all of us in some way, and they are topics that are okay to talk about. Assuredly, we need to talk about them. This is where the healing begins.
This book was written for you, by me, with love in my heart for you. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be inspired; and along the way, you will find hope where hope has been lost. Keep fighting the good fight.